Our Treatment Menu
Abhyanga | 60 minutes - $175
Abhyanga (synchronized therapeutic oil massage) is an ancient Ayurvedic massage technique is performed by a synchronized team of two therapists. Herb-infused oils are prepared specifically for your physical and mental constitution. Abhyanga draws out impurities and improves immunity by increasing lymphatic circulation. Your body and mind experience stillness and deep peace during this treatment. Please be prepared to shower and dry your hair after this treatment.
Shirodhara | 75 minutes - $155, Add-on 45 minutes - $95
Shirodhara (therapeutic oiling of head & scalp) is a profoundly relaxing treatment of warm oil poured slowly in a continuous stream across the forehead. Includes a face and scalp massage, as well as a nasya (oil for the nasal passages) and a brief application of warm medicated oils to the entire body. Shirodhara calms the central nervous system, synchronizes brain waves and promotes a sense of deep peace. When the nervous system is calm, healing takes place. Please be prepared to shower and dry your hair after this treatment.
Nasya | 60 minutes - $155
Nasya (sinus therapy) is a thoroughly relaxing head, face, neck and shoulder treatment designed to open the upper body channels (srotas) and encourage lymphatic flow. Nasya clears the sinuses, enlivens your senses and relieves tension and congestion. This cleansing therapy is indicated for headaches and allergies, and problems of the neck and head region. Includes marma (acupressure) therapy, herbal steam treatments, and oil drops medicated with either ginger and jaggery or eucalyptus, rose and camphor for the nasal passages. Please be prepared to shower and dry your hair after this treatment.
Marma Chikitsa | 75 minutes - $155
Marma Chikitsa (acupressure energy points) is a calming and balancing Ayurvedic oil massage which incorporates marma point (pressure points) , and enhanced by medicated herbal oils and essential oils blended for your constitution. By stimulating the marma points we open energetic and physical blocks caused by inadequate circulation, stress, and improper diet. This treatment will improve your body-mind connection, leaving you feeling centered and grounded. Please be prepared to shower and dry your hair after this treatment.
Swedana | 15–20 minutes - $55
Swedana (herbal steam treatment) is a full-body herbal steam treatment given in a specialized steam cabinet which allows the head to remain cool. Moist heat and essential oils encourage the mobilization of impurities/toxins (ama) throughout the body for elimination through the sweat glands. We offer this as an enhancement (add-on) to any massage treatment.
Pinda Sweda | 45 minutes - $125
Pinda Sweda (localized steam treatment) is a therapeutic treatment designed to deeply purify and soothe the body area of your choice. Warm oil massage and Marma Chikitsa prepare the region for receiving treatment. A medicinal bundle of specially prepared rice and herbs are applied to the affected area penetrating the tissue and bringing relief. An ideal therapy for painful joints or muscle aches and tension. Pinda Sweda is most effective when repeated over the course of several days.
Kati Basti | 45 minutes - $125
Kati Basti (therapeutic treatment for the spine) is a restorative treatment to soothe the lumbosacral region, indicated for low back pain, slipped discs, sciatica and arthritis affecting the spine. Your treatment begins with Marma Chikitsa (gentle pressure point massage), followed by Basti application (an organic whole wheat flour dough dam which creates a reservoir and is placed over the affected area). Warm medicated oils are poured inside the reservoir, concentrating the healing benefits of the oil where you need it most. The oils penetrate the tissues deeply, bathing the affected vertebrae, nerves and muscles.
Netra Basti | 45 minutes per eye - $185
Netra Basti (therapeutic treatment for the eyes) is a soothing treatment is ideal for many eye conditions, and for calming and balancing the mind. The eyes are intimately connected to the brain and nervous system. We make a reservoir from organic whole wheat flour and place it around the eye. Warm ghee (clarified butter) is then gently poured inside, bathing the eye and surrounding tissues. We treat one eye at a time, so this treatment must be scheduled on two consecutive days.
Hrid Basti | 45 minutes - $125
Hrid Basti (therapeutic treatment for the heart) is similar to the other basti treatments, a whole wheat flour dam is placed over the heart chakra and filled with nourishing herbal oil. This subtle yet profound therapy creates a sense of peace while it strengthens the heart muscle, regulates and supports heart function and releases old wounds, sadness and emotional grief. It is a powerful treatment which removes stagnant energy or blockages from the area allowing pure love to flow.
Maya Abdominal Massage | 105 minutes Initial Treatment - $225 | 75 minutes Follow Up Treatment - $145
The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® is an external non-invasive bodywork technique that benefits the uterus and digestive organs. It improves the flow of blood, lymph, nerve functionality, and prana to the abdomen and uterine areas. It supports healing painful periods, improves digestive health, and also provides benefits when preparing for pregnancy. Massage can be done during pregnancy (after 20 weeks) and postpartum (6 weeks) for optimal positioning and health of the uterus.
Womb Healing Retreat with Adena Rose | 2.5 hours - $295
Included is a 45-minute Consultation, Herbal Yoni Steam, Castor Oil Pack and Maya Abdominal Womb Massage. This package is for those looking to improve reproductive imbalances like painful or missing cycles or uterine prolapse. It is beneficial for conscious conception, supporting fertility as well as honoring the womb after pregnancy and birth (6 weeks and beyond - postpartum is forever!) We begin with a consultation to talk about your needs in depth, find your herbal allies and make a plan for your continued self-care at home. Afterwards, if indicated, a yoni steam will be provided with personalized herbs followed by a nourishing castor oil pack and Maya Massage. Take your cycle into consideration, this is ideally scheduled when you are NOT on your period. It is also not indicated if you are currently pregnant (come for pregnancy Maya Massage instead.)
Reiki | 60 Minutes - $108
Reiki is a technique that promotes relaxation and stress reduction, thereby enabling the body’s innate healing system to function more effectively. In Ayurveda, it is believed that our bodies are aligned with seven chakras that connect to our nervous system. Chakra means “wheel” in Sanskrit – our energetic, emotional, physical, and spiritual bodies are governed by these spinning disks of energy. When these energy centers are balanced, we are more apt to experience optimal health and well-being. This treatment involves light touch over the energy centers.
Sound Healing | 60 Minutes - $135
Long ago the Ayurvedic sage, Charuk, stated that vibration and massage could come together to affect the treatment of many illnesses. He called this synergy “samvahan,” a Sanskrit word describing what the vibrations of the bowls can do. Samvahan means “re-awakening of tissue.” And indeed that is what the beautiful tones and overtones of the bowls do: they bring new life to stagnated parts, and they reawaken the healing powers within the body. The harmonic, rhythmic sounds of the singing bowls have a profoundly healing effect on the nervous system, which is in continuous communication with every cell in the body.

Panchakarma Treatments
Panchakarma therapy is a detoxifying and cleansing program based on ancient purification and rejuvenation techniques from India. This treatment must be performed by a knowledgeable and well-trained team of therapists. Through a series of specialized treatments, nourishing food, and lifestyle adjustments, Panchakarma therapy is designed to ripen the bodily tissues and expunge them of impurities/toxins so the body can heal itself and function at optimal levels.
Our Panchakarma therapy packages include daily treatments of abhyanga (Ayurvedic massage), nasya, swedana and shirodhara. We offer our Panchakarma Retreats as a 1-Day Sampler or a 3-Day Rejuvenation. For deeper cleansing, restoration and rejuvenation we offer 5-21 day treatment schedules. Read more about the Panchakarma process and our different package options.
During the consultation we will explore your detailed health history, discuss your personal concerns and health objectives, and perform a pulse assessment to determine your body‘s constitutional type and organ balance/imbalance. Based on your unique clinical state, recommendations will be made. These may include dietary and lifestyle changes, herbal recommendations, yoga therapy, pranayama (breathing techniques), meditation, and self care practices.
• $225 with an Ayurvedic Doctor
• $155 with a Senior Ayurvedic Practitioner
Ayurvedic Health Consultations are offered virtually via Zoom, over the phone and in-person.
*Please note, the only difference with a phone or online consultation is that there is no pulse assessment.
A Follow-Up is where we will discuss your progress, suggest modifications to your program and answer any questions you may have. Follow-up sessions are available for all clients who’ve completed an initial consultation. We offer 30-minute stand alone session or 15-minute follow ups for clients who have had a Health Consultation or have done Panchakarma with us and need to check in. We can discuss changes in herbal formulas and dietary and supplement questions.
• $95 or $55 with an Ayurvedic Doctor
• $75 or $45 with a Senior Ayurvedic Practitioner
Follow-ups are offered virtually via Zoom, over the phone and in-person.
*Please take note that if you have been in to see us for a consultation or Panchakarma we offer this service free of charge for the first three months after your visit.
Jyotisha (Vedic Astrology) is both ancient and accurate. The exact way the sky appeared at the moment you were born is likened to the GPS of your life. You will need your birth date, exact time (please double check certificate if possible) and location. In a one hour consultation you will: have your unique questions answered, learn what phase of life you are in, when it started, when it will end, what’s next and how to find balance. Whether asking about health, relationship, career, finances or spiritual practices, you will leave the session feeling empowered. You will be given tools to discover a greater sense of abundance, peace and health in your life.
• 60 minutes - $165