About Panchakarma
Panchakarma therapy is a detoxifying and cleansing program based on ancient purification and rejuvenation techniques from India. This treatment must be performed by a knowledgeable and well-trained team of therapists. Through a series of specialized treatments, nourishing food and lifestyle adjustments, Panchakarma therapy is designed to ripen the bodily tissues and expunge them of impurities/toxins so the body can heal itself and function at optimal levels.
Panchakarma meets your individual needs. It has been developed, applied, and utilized for thousands of years as a deeply effective cleansing process. By removing toxins as well as reducing physical, emotional, and mental stress, Panchakarma can strengthen immunity, revitalize the senses, and restore a sense of ease and peace.
We offer our Panchakarma retreats as a 1-day Sampler or a 3-day Rejuvenation. For deeper cleansing, restoration and rejuvenation we offer 5-21 day treatment schedules.
All of the Panchakarma therapy packages include daily treatments of abhyanga, nasya, swedana and shirodhara, lasting approximately two and one quarter hours. Please leave time for a warm shower, relaxation and tea.
The Panchakarma Process
The Panchakarma program that we provide is broken down into four steps:
Step One involves oleation at home prior to arrival. The detoxification process begins by oiling the body with medicated oils and taking ghee internally. Oleation lubricates and ripens the tissues in order to loosen impurities (ama). This step is done at home by self-massage and taking recommended herbs and oils internally.
Step Two is performed on site at the Clinic by our trained therapists. Throughout the duration of your stay you will receive daily steam and oil therapies as well as any additional recommended treatments. During this step, a simple diet (prepared by our staff), therapeutic heat, individually blended oils, ancient massage techniques and gentle yoga practices are used to encourage impurities to flow to the GI tract for removal.
Step Three is facilitating the adequate elimination of toxins through the GI tract. This is done through the use of gentle herbal tea or oil enemas known as basti, or virechana, the gentle purgation of toxins through the GI tract by taking an herbal decoction.
Step Four is rejuvenation, known as rasayana, which helps the body restore its strength after impurities have been removed. This is a process done at home with our guidance, support, and instruction.
Panchakarma Packages
We offer a range of experiences to meet your needs. The 3 Day and longer packages include a consultation, gentle yoga and meals. If you are coming for the 1-Day Panchakarma package this does not include a consultation or meal plan.
One Day Panchakarma experience includes the treatments that go along with our longer cleanses but here given as a stand alone treatment. Includes Abhyanga, Swedana and Shirodhara treatments.
Package Cost: $325
The at-home preparation is not required for this treatment. We do however recommend you eat a clean, simple diet the day of and day after treatment. Download this kitchari recipe for inspiration.
The four step process is applied to this package. The Three-Day Package includes an Ayurvedic consultation over the phone with preparatory instructions, a half hour each day of Ayurvedic lifestyle consultation, ayuryoga (yoga therapy), food (a nourishing simple diet of Kitchari). A follow-up phone consultation is provided to monitor your progress once you have returned home.
Package Cost: $1895
*Please Note: Panchakarma prices do not include accommodations, please visit our Accommodations page for pricing.
The four step process is applied to this package. The Five-Day Package includes an Ayurvedic consultation over the phone with preparatory instructions, a half hour each day of Ayurvedic lifestyle consultation, ayuryoga (yoga therapy), food (a nourishing simple diet of Kitchari). A follow-up phone consultation is provided to monitor your progress once you have returned home.
Package Cost: $3195
*Please Note: Panchakarma prices do not include accommodations, please visit our Accommodations page for pricing.
The four step process is applied to this package. The Seven-Day Package includes an Ayurvedic consultation over the phone with preparatory instructions, a half hour each day of Ayurvedic lifestyle consultation, ayuryoga (yoga therapy), food (a nourishing simple diet of Kitchari). A follow-up phone consultation is provided to monitor your progress once you have returned home.
Package Cost: $3995
*Please Note: Panchakarma prices do not include accommodations, please visit our Accommodations page for pricing.
The four step process is applied to this package. The 10-Day Package includes an Ayurvedic consultation over the phone with preparatory instructions, a half hour each day of Ayurvedic lifestyle consultation, ayuryoga (yoga therapy), food (a nourishing simple diet of Kitchari). A follow-up phone consultation is provided to monitor your progress once you have returned home.
Package Cost: $5195
*Please Note: Panchakarma prices do not include accommodations, please visit our Accommodations page for pricing.
The four step process is applied to this package. The 21-Day Package includes an Ayurvedic consultation over the phone with preparatory instructions, a half hour each day of Ayurvedic lifestyle consultation, ayuryoga (yoga therapy), food (a nourishing simple diet of Kitchari). A follow-up phone consultation is provided to monitor your progress once you have returned home.
Package Cost: $8995
*Please Note: Panchakarma prices do not include accommodations, please visit our Accommodations page for pricing.
Our Panchakarma program is recommended by Dr. Vasant Lad of the Ayurvedic Institute,
and Dr. Claudia Welch in her book, “Balance Your Hormones, Balance Your Life.”
How To Schedule Your Panchakarma
For New Panchakarma Clients:
If this is your first time scheduling Panchakarma with the Ayurvedic Center of Vermont, we require to have an initial conversation.
Contact our office to speak with our Scheduler to set up your initial consultation.
Complete the Health History Form and review our preparation guidelines.
For Returning Panchakarma Clients:
Contact our office to schedule your Panchakarma.
Home Cleanse Consultations
If you’re unable to come in-person to the Clinic for Panchakarma or an Ojas Retreat, experience the benefits at home.
Receive guidance and support, for a tailored home cleanse. This nourishing and gentle process gives you the tools which you’ll have for a lifetime. An Ayurvedic cleanse can increase your immunity, balance digestive issues and provide a fresh start, as releasing toxins from the body increases clarity, vitality, and decision making.
• One 60 minute consultation
• Two 20 minute check in consultations
• A home Guidebook with instructions on self massage, how to make kitchari (your diet for the cleanse) and which herbs or oils to take to enhance the process. Yoga asana and meditation will also be recommended.
• An initial consultation to review your health history and check in to see when it would be ideal for you to do your cleanse.
• A follow up consultation can be scheduled during or just after your cleanse to check in on your progress, and support you emotionally and physically.
Package Pricing: $225 -
This offering is designed for those who have done a home cleanse before with our center, but would like guidance again in order to take it a step deeper. You will receive a 60-minute consultation to discuss your needs and adapt your cleanse protocol to what is needed in this current season of your life.
Consult Cost: $95